Accessibility Statement

TU Dortmund University seeks to make its websites and mobile applications accessible pursuant to EU Directive 2016/2102. The following Accessibility Statement documents the implementation status for the website in compliance with the Ordinance of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia on the Creation of Barrier-Free Information Technology in Accordance with the Act on Equal Opportunities for Disabled Persons (BITVNRW).

Status of conformity with accessibility requirements

This website is PARTLY COMPLIANT with EU Directive 2016/2102.
Verification method: SELF-ASSESSMENT
Compiled on: 8. February 2023
Last verified on: 8. February 2023

Non-accessible content

The content listed below is non-accessible:


Accessible alternatives:

Feedback and contact details

You can report cases of non-compliance with accessibility requirements to us and request information on content which is excluded from the directive.


Prof. Dr. Erich Schubert
Informatik Lehrstuhl 8
Artificial Intelligence
Otto-Hahn-Straße 14
44227 Dortmund

Email senden


Please indicate “Accessibility” in your E-Mail message and tell us which content you are referring to by stating the URL.

Enforcement procedure

If you have not received a satisfactory answer to your messages or queries regarding accessibility within six weeks, you can call in the arbitrator for accessible IT. He or she reports to the Commissioner for Matters relating to Disabled Persons in accordance with Section 11 of the Act on Equal Opportunities for Disabled Persons of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia. If you wish to initiate an arbitration procedure, please complete the corresponding application form and send it via email to:

Arbitration Board for Barrier-Free Information Technology of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia at the Office of the Commissioner for Matters relating to Disabled Persons

Fürstenwall 25
40219 Düsseldorf

Further information on accessibility at TU Dortmund University

On the following pages you can find an overview of the measures TU Dortmund University is undertaking to improve accessibility as well as useful links to services and contact persons: Inclusion at TU Dortmund University

DoBuS – Department of Disability and Studies – offers advice and services for students and teaching staff, with the aim of creating fair conditions in studies and teaching for persons with a disability or chronic disorder. Further information: DoBuS